589,32 €
M-LINK is a media converter for converting Ouman’s Modbus (RTU / TCP) based devices, or those of other manufacturers, to the Ouman system. It’s possible to make dynamic process charts locally, which can be used to monitor the functions of the target smoothly. The process charts can be done in Ouflex BA Tool or directly to the device by browser.
The device can be linked to an existing internet connection, through which the device creates a secure connection between M-LINK and the Ouman Ounet online monitoring service. If an internet connection is not available, it is possible to use Ouman 4G modem, for example, to establish a ready-to-use connection to the subject. M-LINK can be used at the same time as an connection device to the Ounet SCADA, as well as locally from the Web UI.
M-LINK Web UI works over the internet and locally on a LAN network without an internet connection.
Possible to make point transfers from one device to another (Modbus RTU / Modbus TCP) (requires the Ouflex Tool)